Perfection is the sum of the details. Joseph Pace

Joseph Pace was born in Morbegno, Lombardy, Italy and grew up in Central Africa. After his studies in Rome and Brighton, he moved to Paris in order to pursue his studies in Painting and Sculpture at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Sorbonne.

Pace exclusively exhibits for cultural purposes, thus raising the question about the true value of contemporary art. His work has been shown in important institutions and museums througout the world. 

His work was the subject of major exhibitions organized at the CRC in São Paulo (2024, 2020, 2010), Sociedade de Belas Artes de Rio de Janeiro (2023), Museum Boncompagni Ludovisi of Decoratis Arts, National Gallery of Modern Art of Rome (2022, 2020, 2014), National Archaeologic Museum of Civitavecchia (2022), Basilica of San Lorenzo e Lucina (2022), National Bardo Museum of Tunis (2021), Pantheon in Rome (2021), Museum of the Parliament of Itapevi, Brasil (2020), Copertino Castel (2020) and Normand Castel of Bari (2018), National Historical Library of Agriculture (2019).

Pace is widely known for his iconic sculptures and his large paintings shown at the Museu deArte do Parlemento de São Paulo (2010), Museo Diocessano di Amalfi (2011), Theater of Jaguariuna, Brasil (2013), Italian Emassy of Brasilia (2013), Museu Afro Brasil in São Paulo (2014), Fondazione Museo Venanzo Crocetti (2014), University Cà Foscari of Venise (2015), Biennale of Florence (2015), Circolo Italiano in São Paulo (2018), Coleçao de Arte do Conselho de Contabilitade do Estado de São Paulo (2010-2016-2020-2024), Museum of Art of the Parliament of Itapevi, Brasil (2016-2020), Instituto de Recuperaçao do Patrimonio Historico no Estado de São Paulo (2010-2014-2018-2022).

His work has been on view at the Festival Internazional du Cinéma de Ostia (2010), Biennale of Contemporary Art of Florence (2015), and at the Universal Exposition of Sevilla (1996).

Joseph Pace has received numerous honors in recognition of his cultural achievements, notably by the University of Loraine, Universität Konstanz, Sapienza University of Rome, Italian Embassy in Brasilia, Italian Institute of Culture in São Paulo, Superintendência do Patrimônio Cultural do Estado de São Paulo, Italian Ministry of Agriciultural Policies, Instituto de Recuperação do Patrimônio Histórico de São Paulo, Holy See, Circolo Italiano di São Paulo, Municipal Theater of Jaguariuna, Italian Sociologists Association.

Public Collections

(.) Museum Boncompagni Ludovisi of Decorative Arts and Italian Fashion, Rome, Italy (.) Pantheon, Rome, Italy (.) Museu de Arte do Parlamento de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (.) Diocesan Museum of Amalfi, Amalfi, Italy (.) Museu Afro Brasil, São Paulo, Brazil (.) Italian Embassy in Brasilia, Brazil (.) Camara Municipal de Itapevi, Brazil (.) Museu de Arte do Parlamento de Itapevi, Brazil (.) Basilica di San Lorenzo in Lucina, Rome, Italy (.) National Historical Library of Agriculture, Rome, Italy (.) Municipal Theater of Jaguariúna, Brazil (.) Prefeitura de Jaguariúna, Jaguariúna, Brazil (.) Circolo Italiano, Edificio Italia, São Paulo, Brazil (.) Museo Fondazione Venanzo Crocetti, Rome, Italy (.) Coleçao de Arte do Conselho de Contabilitade do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil (.) Instituto de Recuperaçao do Patrimonio Historico no Estado de São Paulo, Brazil.